Finding quality backing track for yourself can pose a problem for you. You need to research well and then go for the most appropriate tracks. You need to find fresh places where you can keep your supply up to date.
Backing tracks can be found in the stores that sell music. There is a separate section which sells these tracks. You would have the chance to hear the tracks before you buy them. You would have the appropriate time to judge the quality of the tracks. There are many budding songbirds out there. With the advancement in technology, music has also taken a great shape. Music has become the general need of the people. You can find good music tracks in the big markets like Wal- Mart and you can be sure to get the best deal.
If you are living in a country or a state which doesnt have the big music stores then you can buy the tracks online. It is very important that you get the proper information about the source from where you are purchasing the backing-track. The last thing that you would do is to buy the track that doesn’t sound good. You can make the list of the titles and then decide on buying the best track. If you want to record a track then the inbuilt microphone in your computer is not sufficient. You need a decent microphone to do the job. Online stores provide you very good opportunity for you to buy these tracks. But, there is one disadvantage with some online stores that you dont get the chance to hear the songs. Without hearing the tracks you can't judge about their quality. So it would be better if you choose the store that you trust and rely upon.
There are various types of audio tracks available online which you can use to record your songs. Some of the sites have the audio tracks of the songs with the vocals removed. So, its better to buy the songs which has the vocals removed as you can insert any type of music into it and you can make the track better. You should choose the company that you trust for buying the tracks. If you do so then you would be assured about the genuine quality. Downloadable back-tracks are the best option for your system. These tracks can be recorded and inserted very well into the system. If you want the back-tracks for singers then you can very easily find them online.
Art by Erika Ashley
Art by Erika Ashley
A Guide for Creative Thinking
Einstein once said, "Every child is born a genius." But the reason why most people do not function at genius levels is because they are not aware of how creative and smart they really are.
I call it the "Schwarzenegger effect." No one would look at a person such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and think how lucky he is to have been born with such tremendous muscles. Everyone knows that he, and people like him, have worked many thousands of hours to build up their bodies so they can compete and win in bodybuilding competitions. Your creative capabilities are just the same. They actually grow as they are used.
But you don't need to spend thousands of hours to increase your creative-thinking abilities. By practicing a few simple exercises and applications, you can start your creative juices flowing, and you may even amaze yourself at the quality and quantity of good ideas that you come up with.
Let's start off with the definition of creativity. In my estimation, after years of research on this subject, the very best definition of creativity is, simply, "improvement." You don't have to be a rocket scientist or an artist in order to be creative. All you have to do is develop the ability to improve your situation, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. All great fortunes were started with ideas for improving something in some way. In fact, an improvement needs to be only 10 percent new or different to launch you on the way to fame and riches.
It has been estimated that each year, driving to and from work, the average person has about four ideas for improvement, any one of which could make him or her a millionaire. The problem is not that you don't have the ideas you need to accomplish anything you want but, rather, that you fail to act on those ideas. Most people dismiss their own ideas because they think that those ideas cannot be very valuable if they were the ones who thought of them.
Thomas Edison, arguably the most successful creative genius in human history, once said that creativity is 99 percent perspiration and only 1 percent inspiration. Extensive research on creativity tends to bear him out.
Four parts of the creative process
There is preparation, where much of the work is done. There is cerebration or rumination, where you turn the matter over to your subconscious mind. There is realization, where the idea or ideas come to you. And finally, there is application, where you work out the creative idea and turn it into something worthwhile. Of the four, preparation seems to be the most important, and it involves gathering the right data and asking the right questions.
Your success in life will be determined largely by the quantity of ideas that you generate. It seems that the quality of ideas is secondary to the quantity and that if you have enough ideas, one or more of them will turn out to be prizewinners.
You can begin building your creative muscles with focused questions. Some that you might think of are the following: What are we trying to do? How are we trying to do it? What are our assumptions? What if our assumptions are wrong?
All improvements begin with questioning the current, existing circumstances. If you are not making progress for any reason, stop and think, and begin asking yourself the hard questions that will stimulate your mind to consider other possibilities.
When they were doing the research to land a man on the moon, scientists were stumped for months and even years. They could not figure how to send a rocket to the moon with enough fuel to land on the moon, blast off, break the moon's gravity and come back to earth. The problem was that if the rocket had that much fuel to start with, it would be too heavy to take off from the earth in the first place.
Finally, they began to question the assumption that the lunar rocket ship had to land on the moon. When they questioned that assumption, the scientists concluded that a main rocket could orbit around the moon while a smaller module dropped to the surface of the moon and then rejoined the orbiting rocket for the trip back to earth. The mental logjam was broken, and the rest is history.
Asking focused questions -- hard questions that penetrate to the core of the matter -- is the real art of the creative person. The next step is to have the courage to deal with all the possible answers. Once you have come up with a possible solution, ask yourself, "What else could be the solution?"
If your current method of operation were completely wrong, what would be your backup plan? What else would you or could you do? What if your current procedure or plan turned out to be a complete failure? Then what would you do? And what would you do after that? All of those questions will force you to think further and come up with better answers.
The second way to build your mental muscles is with intensely desired goals. The more you want something and the clearer you are about it, the more likely it is that you will generate ideas that will help you to move toward it. That is why the need for clearly written goals and plans for their accomplishment is repeated over and over. Any intense emotion, such as desire, stimulates creativity and ideas to fulfill that desire. And the more you write down your goals and plans, and review them, the more likely it is that you will see all kinds of possibilities for achieving those goals.
The third generator of creative-thinking muscles is pressing problems. A good question to ask is "What are the three biggest problems that I am facing in my life today?" Write the answer to this question quickly, in less than 30 seconds. When you write the answer to a question in less than 30 seconds, your subconscious mind will sort out all extraneous answers and give you the three most important ones.
When you have your three most pressing problems, ask yourself, "What is the worst possible thing that can happen as a result of each of these problems?" Then ask yourself, "What are all the things that I can do, right now, to alleviate each problem?" If you have a problem that is worrying you for any reason, think about what you could do immediately to begin alleviating that concern. This is a prime use of your creative powers.
Four more keys to successful creative thinking
The first is clarity. Take the time to think through, discuss and ask questions that help you to clarify exactly what you are trying to accomplish and exactly what problems you are facing at the present moment. Just as fuzzy thinking leads to fuzzy answers, clear thinking leads to clear answers.
A second key is concentration. Put everything else aside, and concentrate single-mindedly on focusing all your mental powers on solving one single problem, overcoming one particular obstacle or achieving one important goal. The ability to concentrate on a single subject without diversion or distraction is a hallmark of the superior thinker.
A third key is an open mind. The average person tends to be rigid and fixed in his thinking about getting from where he is to where he wants to go. The creative thinker, however, tends to remain very flexible and open to a variety of ways of approaching the problem. The average person has a tendency to leap to conclusions and determine that there is only one way to achieve a particular goal. The superior thinker, on the other hand, tends to be more patient and willing to consider a variety of options before moving toward a conclusion.
There is one other creative concept that can be very helpful when it is used in combination with what we have already discussed, and it is called the "limiting step."
Between you and any goal that you want to achieve or any problem that you want to solve, there is almost invariably a limiting step or a "choke point" that determines the speed with which you move from where you are to your destination. This limiting step may be another person, a particular obstacle, a specific difficulty, or even a lack of some information or skill. Invariably, there is a particular factor that determines how fast you get there. Your job is to think about it and decide what it is, and then go to work to remove it.
For example, if you are in sales, your limiting step may be the number of prospects you have. If this is the case, then your job is to do everything possible and to use all your creative capacities to increase your number of prospects until it is no longer a problem. Then, of course, there will be another limiting step, and your job is to go to work on that.
If you have a business, your limiting step may be the number of qualified people who are responding to your advertising. If this is the choke point that hinders the amount you sell and the speed at which your company grows, it behooves you to concentrate your mental powers on relieving that bottleneck. You must concentrate the very best thinking abilities of yourself and others on increasing the number of qualified prospects that your advertising and promotional efforts attract.
In relationships and misunderstandings between people, there is almost invariably a sticking point or subject area that needs to be resolved in order to bring about harmony again. Your job is, first, to identify this limiting step and then, second, to find a way to alleviate the difficulty to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
You are a genius, and you were born with the potential for exceptional creativity. But creative abilities are latent. They are like muscles that grow with use. You can increase your creative powers by using them, over and over, in every situation, deliberately and specifically, until creativity and a creative response to life is as natural to you as breathing in and out is. There are very few things that you can do that can have a more powerful positive impact on your entire life than becoming excellent in creative thinking. And you can if you think you can.
I call it the "Schwarzenegger effect." No one would look at a person such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and think how lucky he is to have been born with such tremendous muscles. Everyone knows that he, and people like him, have worked many thousands of hours to build up their bodies so they can compete and win in bodybuilding competitions. Your creative capabilities are just the same. They actually grow as they are used.
But you don't need to spend thousands of hours to increase your creative-thinking abilities. By practicing a few simple exercises and applications, you can start your creative juices flowing, and you may even amaze yourself at the quality and quantity of good ideas that you come up with.
Let's start off with the definition of creativity. In my estimation, after years of research on this subject, the very best definition of creativity is, simply, "improvement." You don't have to be a rocket scientist or an artist in order to be creative. All you have to do is develop the ability to improve your situation, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. All great fortunes were started with ideas for improving something in some way. In fact, an improvement needs to be only 10 percent new or different to launch you on the way to fame and riches.
It has been estimated that each year, driving to and from work, the average person has about four ideas for improvement, any one of which could make him or her a millionaire. The problem is not that you don't have the ideas you need to accomplish anything you want but, rather, that you fail to act on those ideas. Most people dismiss their own ideas because they think that those ideas cannot be very valuable if they were the ones who thought of them.
Thomas Edison, arguably the most successful creative genius in human history, once said that creativity is 99 percent perspiration and only 1 percent inspiration. Extensive research on creativity tends to bear him out.
Four parts of the creative process
There is preparation, where much of the work is done. There is cerebration or rumination, where you turn the matter over to your subconscious mind. There is realization, where the idea or ideas come to you. And finally, there is application, where you work out the creative idea and turn it into something worthwhile. Of the four, preparation seems to be the most important, and it involves gathering the right data and asking the right questions.
Your success in life will be determined largely by the quantity of ideas that you generate. It seems that the quality of ideas is secondary to the quantity and that if you have enough ideas, one or more of them will turn out to be prizewinners.
You can begin building your creative muscles with focused questions. Some that you might think of are the following: What are we trying to do? How are we trying to do it? What are our assumptions? What if our assumptions are wrong?
All improvements begin with questioning the current, existing circumstances. If you are not making progress for any reason, stop and think, and begin asking yourself the hard questions that will stimulate your mind to consider other possibilities.
When they were doing the research to land a man on the moon, scientists were stumped for months and even years. They could not figure how to send a rocket to the moon with enough fuel to land on the moon, blast off, break the moon's gravity and come back to earth. The problem was that if the rocket had that much fuel to start with, it would be too heavy to take off from the earth in the first place.
Finally, they began to question the assumption that the lunar rocket ship had to land on the moon. When they questioned that assumption, the scientists concluded that a main rocket could orbit around the moon while a smaller module dropped to the surface of the moon and then rejoined the orbiting rocket for the trip back to earth. The mental logjam was broken, and the rest is history.
Asking focused questions -- hard questions that penetrate to the core of the matter -- is the real art of the creative person. The next step is to have the courage to deal with all the possible answers. Once you have come up with a possible solution, ask yourself, "What else could be the solution?"
If your current method of operation were completely wrong, what would be your backup plan? What else would you or could you do? What if your current procedure or plan turned out to be a complete failure? Then what would you do? And what would you do after that? All of those questions will force you to think further and come up with better answers.
The second way to build your mental muscles is with intensely desired goals. The more you want something and the clearer you are about it, the more likely it is that you will generate ideas that will help you to move toward it. That is why the need for clearly written goals and plans for their accomplishment is repeated over and over. Any intense emotion, such as desire, stimulates creativity and ideas to fulfill that desire. And the more you write down your goals and plans, and review them, the more likely it is that you will see all kinds of possibilities for achieving those goals.
The third generator of creative-thinking muscles is pressing problems. A good question to ask is "What are the three biggest problems that I am facing in my life today?" Write the answer to this question quickly, in less than 30 seconds. When you write the answer to a question in less than 30 seconds, your subconscious mind will sort out all extraneous answers and give you the three most important ones.
When you have your three most pressing problems, ask yourself, "What is the worst possible thing that can happen as a result of each of these problems?" Then ask yourself, "What are all the things that I can do, right now, to alleviate each problem?" If you have a problem that is worrying you for any reason, think about what you could do immediately to begin alleviating that concern. This is a prime use of your creative powers.
Four more keys to successful creative thinking
The first is clarity. Take the time to think through, discuss and ask questions that help you to clarify exactly what you are trying to accomplish and exactly what problems you are facing at the present moment. Just as fuzzy thinking leads to fuzzy answers, clear thinking leads to clear answers.
A second key is concentration. Put everything else aside, and concentrate single-mindedly on focusing all your mental powers on solving one single problem, overcoming one particular obstacle or achieving one important goal. The ability to concentrate on a single subject without diversion or distraction is a hallmark of the superior thinker.
A third key is an open mind. The average person tends to be rigid and fixed in his thinking about getting from where he is to where he wants to go. The creative thinker, however, tends to remain very flexible and open to a variety of ways of approaching the problem. The average person has a tendency to leap to conclusions and determine that there is only one way to achieve a particular goal. The superior thinker, on the other hand, tends to be more patient and willing to consider a variety of options before moving toward a conclusion.
There is one other creative concept that can be very helpful when it is used in combination with what we have already discussed, and it is called the "limiting step."
Between you and any goal that you want to achieve or any problem that you want to solve, there is almost invariably a limiting step or a "choke point" that determines the speed with which you move from where you are to your destination. This limiting step may be another person, a particular obstacle, a specific difficulty, or even a lack of some information or skill. Invariably, there is a particular factor that determines how fast you get there. Your job is to think about it and decide what it is, and then go to work to remove it.
For example, if you are in sales, your limiting step may be the number of prospects you have. If this is the case, then your job is to do everything possible and to use all your creative capacities to increase your number of prospects until it is no longer a problem. Then, of course, there will be another limiting step, and your job is to go to work on that.
If you have a business, your limiting step may be the number of qualified people who are responding to your advertising. If this is the choke point that hinders the amount you sell and the speed at which your company grows, it behooves you to concentrate your mental powers on relieving that bottleneck. You must concentrate the very best thinking abilities of yourself and others on increasing the number of qualified prospects that your advertising and promotional efforts attract.
In relationships and misunderstandings between people, there is almost invariably a sticking point or subject area that needs to be resolved in order to bring about harmony again. Your job is, first, to identify this limiting step and then, second, to find a way to alleviate the difficulty to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
You are a genius, and you were born with the potential for exceptional creativity. But creative abilities are latent. They are like muscles that grow with use. You can increase your creative powers by using them, over and over, in every situation, deliberately and specifically, until creativity and a creative response to life is as natural to you as breathing in and out is. There are very few things that you can do that can have a more powerful positive impact on your entire life than becoming excellent in creative thinking. And you can if you think you can.
Men's Health: Building a Healthy Diet
These days, it's not always easy to follow a healthy diet. There are so many fast food and junk food options out there, a guy is tempted to just shrug, eat what he likes, and leave his health up to fate.
But that's not the smart way to go. Eating a nutritious diet with proper portions can improve men's health and help them maintain a healthy weight. There are also specific foods that don’t just improve men’s health generally, but also help stave off cancer, reduce the risk of heart disease, and boost overall energy.
Men’s Health: Building a Healthy Diet
Eating right for men's health means putting together a daily diet with these choices:
Another key to maintaining your health as a man is eating the right amounts of foods. Use this list of single-portion measurements as your guide:
A few special foods may provide additional health benefits:
But that's not the smart way to go. Eating a nutritious diet with proper portions can improve men's health and help them maintain a healthy weight. There are also specific foods that don’t just improve men’s health generally, but also help stave off cancer, reduce the risk of heart disease, and boost overall energy.
Men’s Health: Building a Healthy Diet
Eating right for men's health means putting together a daily diet with these choices:
- Five or more servings of fruits and vegetables. They're high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and low in calories. Be sure to eat a variety of vegetables of all different colors — think green, orange, yellow, red, even purple. Avoid vegetables cooked in fat, like fried zucchini or onion rings.
- At least six servings of whole grain breads, cereals, and starchy vegetables. Whole grains contain added fiber to help lower your blood cholesterol and make you feel full. Choose unrefined whole-grain breads and cereals over those that contain refined white flour. Starchy vegetables include peas, corn, potatoes, and dried beans like pinto or kidney. If cooked without a lot of added fat, these vegetables will help you feel full with relatively few calories. However, if you are trying to lose weight or have a history of prediabetes or diabetes, you may need to limit your intake of starches in general.
- Two or three servings of low-fat dairy products. Choose skim milk, fat-free or 1 percent yogurt, and low-fat cheeses.
- Two or three servings of lean meat, chicken, and fish. You should pick cuts of meat with little to no visible fat, and remove the skin from chicken and other poultry. Avoid fried or breaded dishes.
- Cut back on sweets. To optimize your health, cut back on sugary foods full of refined carbohydrates like pastries, other desserts, and sweetened cereals. They are high in calories, but provide little or no nutritional benefit.
- Limit your sodium intake. Use herbs to season your food instead of salt and minimize your intake of packaged foods.
- Skip the saturated fats. Butter, cheese, and lard can lead to clogged arteries and heart disease. On the other hand, unsaturated fats like olive oil, walnuts, and avocados, in moderate amounts, can actually help raise your level of the "good" cholesterol (high density lipoprotein or HDL) that protects against heart disease.
Another key to maintaining your health as a man is eating the right amounts of foods. Use this list of single-portion measurements as your guide:
- 1 cup of fresh vegetables or fruit
- 1/2 cup of starchy vegetables or dried beans
- 1 slice of bread
- 1 cup of dry cereal or ½ cup cooked cereal
- 1/3 cup of rice or pasta
- 1 cup of low-fat milk
- 3 ounces of lean meat, chicken, or fish
- ½ cup is about the size of half a tennis ball
- 1 cup is about the size of a baseball
- 3 ounces of protein is about the size of a deck of cards
- Men between 19 and 30 years old should limit daily calorie intake to 2,400 if sedentary, 2,600 if somewhat active, and 3,000 if very active.
- Men between 31 and 50 should limit daily calorie intake to 2,200 calories if sedentary, 2,400 if somewhat active, and 2,800 if very active.
- Men 51 and over should limit daily calorie intake to 2,000 if sedentary, 2,200 if moderately active, and 2,400 if very active.
- Men’s Health: Foods With a Purpose
A few special foods may provide additional health benefits:
- Cancer fighters. Following the guidelines above will go a long way toward limiting your risk of cancer by providing essential nutrients and keeping you at a healthy weight. One food in particular, tomatoes, has been linked to reduced rates of prostate, lung, and stomach cancer. Tomatoes are an excellent source of the cancer-fighting nutrient lycopene. Just keep in mind that our bodies process lycopene best when tomatoes are cooked or stewed. Also, consider replacing your morning cup of joe with green tea, believed to contain important antioxidants that may prevent cancer as well.
- Heart health. To further boost heart health, eat fish twice a week. Studies have found that fatty fish like salmon, sardines, herring, and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help keep your arteries clear.
- Energy boosters. Carbohydrates produce lots of energy, but be careful: Simple carbohydrates like sugar burn fast, giving you a temporary energy boost. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, burn slowly to provide energy over a longer period of time. Whole grain breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, and peas all contain complex carbohydrates. Foods rich in protein are also crucial since they help control the release of energy from fats and carbs.
How to Promote Your Book on the Internet - 10 Great Ways
1. Create a separate web site for your book
Books tend to get "lost" when grafted onto existing web sites. For best results, create a web site specifically intended to promote and support your book. This permits you to focus all of the site's resources on promoting your book and leveraging off of its success.
Choose a web site address based on your book's title, rather than your name. If you have done a good job of choosing your title, your title will be easier to remember than your name. You can easily cross-link your existing web site to your book's highly-focused web site.
2. Distribute sample chapters
One of the best ways to promote your book is to allow readers to download a table of contents plus one or more sample chapters from your web site. Sample chapters "tease" readers into wanting more. To the extent that your sample chapter communicates competence and easy reading style, readers will be motivated to buy your book.
Remember that uncertainty is the biggest obstacle you must overcome when making a sale to a stranger. In a bookstore, prospective buyers can thumb through your book. Online, readers can't do that, so they must depend on sample chapters. Use a desktop publishing software program to format your sample chapters for easy reading. Use Adobe Acrobat to create PDF files that will be sent to readers as e-mail attachments.
3. Build your web site address into your book
When writing your book, include as many reasons as possible for readers to visit your web site. Success requires more than simply listing your web site address in your biography or on the last page of the book.
Give readers valid reasons to visit your site. Offer downloadable versions of reader engagement tools like checklists and worksheets. Promise updated content and new information, such as ideas and topics that occurred to you after you completed your book. If your book is in black and white, but includes photographs or charts, post color versions of the visuals on your web site.
Don't view your web site strictly as a promotional tool. Instead, view it as a "service" or resource intended to help readers make the most of your book.
4. Encourage reader comments and questions
Use your web site to create an interactive relationship with your readers. Solicit their comments and questions. Offer a prize for the best question of the month and answer the question on your web site's home page. Respond to reader e-mail as quickly as possible. If their comments are critical, create a dialog and try to understand the criticism from your reader's point of view. You'll likely gain new information and ideas that you would otherwise never encounter.
5. Include testimonials and reader reviews
Whenever a reader writes a particularly favorable comment, immediately ask them for permission to use the comment with either their name, or their initials and their city. Many readers will welcome the opportunity to share their enthusiasm for your book with others. Most people like seeing their words and their names in print.
6. Offer media resources
Create a "press room" where members of the media can download files containing scanned images of you as well as the front cover of your book. Scanned images which can be immediately downloaded make your book more attractive to reviewers and other writers.
Include a "backgrounder" describing you and your firm's background as well as your personal side. Include information that emphasizes the timeliness of your book and its importance to your readers. Provide answers to frequently asked questions.
7. Offer products and services based on your book
E-mail and your web site permit you to offer readers personalized assistance and opportunities for on-going relationships. These relationships represent win-win situations for both of you. Readers get access to your knowledge and expertise, while you get to develop additional sources of profit. Opportunities include telecoaching -- where you offer personal assistance based on weekly one-on-one telephone calls.
You could also develop four, eight or 12-week training programs based on your book delivered via e-mail and weekly telephone calls. Each week, participants call a single number, called a "bridge," and discuss the reading and assignments which you sent out as e-mail attachments. A listserve permits participants in a telecourse to send e-mail to all other participants, exchanging ideas and promoting a sense of community.
You can also use the web to serve your readers by developing e-books -- short electronic books that you sell directly from your web site. These can consist of in-depth treatment of specialized topics that are not appropriate for book-length treatment.
8. Use premium content to obtain reader e-mail addresses
Premium Content is limited-distribution, high-octane information that you send readers in exchange for providing their e-mail address and permission to contact them again in the future.
Examples of premium content include articles that focus on particular problems that have been brought to your attention since your book appeared or in-depth treatment of topics too specialized to be included in your book. Premium content can also consist of your reflections on your book in the light of current economic and social trends.
9. Publish an e-mail newsletter
You can do your readers a favor, as well as maintain your awareness and pre-sell your next book, by publishing an e-mail newsletter. Make your e-mail newsletter as genuinely helpful as possible. Instead of a long, infrequently published newsletter, offer short nuggets of information that appear on a regular basis. Readers are busy and will respond favorably to concise, easily digested information.
When soliciting reader e-mail addresses, always include your privacy statement, which should state that you will never rent, sell or share your readers' e-mail addresses. And make sure you live up to your promise!
10. Promote your book's URL in your e-mail signature
Give your e-mail recipients a reason to visit your book's web site. Don't just list its address, but provide an incentive for them to visit. Arouse their curiosity or offer them a valuable information premium they can download when they visit. This is especially true when you participate in online discussion groups or contribute a comment to an article that invites reader response.
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