Is The Fashion Of The 70s Coming Back?

Full of colour and coming off the back of the 60s was 70s fashion. Tight fitting shirts and trousers would be worn by the men while flowered patterned miniskirts were worn by women. They all had their touch of 70s fashion such as the big collars on the shirts or the flared legs on the trousers. The fashion for both men and women was very feminine.

Compared to what men wore previously, fashion in the 70s was extremely feminine. A good example of this was the tight fitted trousers with flared legs. The tight fit would hug the man's figure and they were also available in a number of colours. This can now be seen with trends that do exactly the same such as fitted smart trousers or skinny jeans.

For women skirts were a big part of 70s fashion. Women were given a choice between the maxi dress, the miniskirt or the midi skirt. The maxi dress left the fashion scene while the miniskirt never really did. The maxi dress recently though has made a big comeback but is still representative of 70s fashion with a finish in a combination of bright colours.

Another big craze in the 60s and 70s was long hair. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other rock bands started it off and as a statement of their independence and style it became acceptable for men to wear long hair. Short air returned again the 90s but partly due to the indie music scene which takes a lot of influence from 60s and 70s rock bands, long hair has returned again.

While 70s fashion is having an impact on today's fashion, it isn't coming back in the way that it was known back then. Certain elements of the style can be seen in items of clothing such as the tight fit on men's shirts and trousers, the maxi dress for women or even the t-shirts with 60s and 70s bands on the front of them, but today's fashion is very much today's fashion.